Friday, January 15, 2010

Seorang Profesor AS Tewas Bunuh Diri Setelah Bertengkar dengan Istri

. Friday, January 15, 2010

Kejadian Bunuh diri ini dipicu oleh pertengkaran sang profesor dengan istrinya seperti berita Seorang profesor Universitas New York atau New York University (NYU) tewas bunuh diri. Pria bernama Sam Roweis itu loncat dari lantai-16 apartemennya setelah pertengkaran sengit dengan istrinya. Demikian disampaikan kepolisian setempat seperti diberitakan New York Daily News, Kamis (14/1/2010).

Menurut kepolisian, Roweis dan istrinya bertengkar mengenai perawatan dua anak kembar mereka yang lahir prematur sekitar setahun lalu. Namun tidak jelas apa persisnya yang dipersoalkan pasangan itu. Menurut penyidik, usai pertengkaran itu, Roweis berjalan ke ruang belakang apartemennya di kompleks perumahan Washington Square Village. Profesor ilmu komputer NYU itu dengan perlahan naik ke balkon dan langsung menjatuhkan diri. Pria berusia 37 tahun itu pun tewas seketika.

Sang istri tidak mengetahui kejadian itu. Dia baru tahu setelah mendengar informasi tentang orang bunuh diri di apartemen tersebut. "Istrinya turun dan menanyakan apakah benar ada orang yang loncat," kata seorang penjaga pintu di kompleks perumahan staf NYU tersebut. Banyak yang tidak mengira Roweis akan melakukan perbuatan bunuh diri. Selama ini dia tampak seperti pria yang sangat bahagia. Dengan kejadian ini menambah daftar orang yang bunuh diri pada tahun 2010.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Paula Abdul Tewas ? Benarkah

. Thursday, January 14, 2010

Paula Abdul dikenal sebagai penyanyi tenar di Amerika dan gaungnya terdengar sampai ke seantro dunia, lewat lagu Rush Rush, tetapi ada kabar berita mengejutkan datang dari dunia hiburan Amerika Serikat. Mantan juri American Idol, Paula Abdul, dikabarkan tewas di sebuah hotel di San Fransisco, California, Selasa (12/1). Kematian Abdul terkuak setelah sang kekasih, J.T. Torregiani, menerima telepon dari Abdul berkali-kali di malam yang sama.

Seperti dilansir situs telewatcher, sejauh ini belum ada konfirmasi lebih lanjut mengenai kabar duka yang menimpa artis berusia 47 tahun itu. Sejumlah kalangan pun menantikan rekan-rekan Abdul, seperti Simon Cowell, Ellen Degeneres, Fox, Kara DiaGuardio, atau Randy Jackson, untuk memberikan penyataan. Benarkah Paula Abdul Tewas ?

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gempa Haiti 7,1 SR : Ratusan Staf PBB Hilang

. Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gempa Haiti yang berkekuatan 7,1 SR dan mengakibatkan tsunami diberitakan bahwa Kantor Perwakilan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa di Port-au-Prince, Haiti hancur setelah gempa berkekuatan besar melanda negara itu. Siaran resmi PBB menyebutkan, kantor perwakilan mereka mengalami kerusakan yang cukup serius. Dalam siaran itu juga disebutkan, mereka kehilangan kontak dengan sejumlah besar personel PBB yang ditempatkan di negara itu. "Sejauh ini, kami hanya bisa mengatakan mereka hilang. Namun kami memang masih terus mengupayakan kontak dengan mereka," kata Alain Leroy, pimpinan operasi penjaga perdamaian PBB.

Menurutnya, kantor United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) tersebut memang hancur, termasuk sejumlah instalasinya. Sarana komunikasi juga terputus sama sekali. Hingga saat ini, pihaknya masih berusaha mendapatkan kontak dengan mereka.MINUSTAH berdiri sejak 2004 diperkuat oleh 7.060 tentara dan 2.091 polisi. Mereka bertugas menjaga perdamaian di negara berpenduduk 8 juta di kepulauan Karibia ini.Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki Moon menyatakan keprihatinannya atas bencana itu. Ia menyatakan duka cita mendalam terhadap keluarga korban meninggal dalam musibah itu.

Hingga saat ini, belum ada data resmi mengenai jumlah korban tewas dalam bencana itu. Duta besar Haiti untuk Amerika Serikat, Raymond Joseph, menyatakan, "Saya kita ini adalah bencana dalam skala besar." Menurutnya, gempa besar terakhir menghantam negara ini 200 tahun lalu. Ribuan orang diduga masih terkurung di reruntuhan bangunan. Karel Zelenka, representatif Catholic Relief Services dalam telepon terakhirnya sebelum tidak bisa dihubungi sama sekali menyatakan ribuan orang mungkin akan tewas jika bantuan tidak segera datang. "Mereka semua masih tertimbun," ujarnya.

Ia juga menyatakan suasana saat itu sangat kacau. Warga yang selamat berteriak histeris sementara korban luka merintih-rintih meminta bantuan. "Suasana menjadi kabur karena kota tertutup oleh kabut debu," tambahnya. Sejumlah netter masih sempat mengirimkan informasi melalui situs jejaring sosial mengenai kondisi terkini Haiti. Richard Morse, musisi AS yang kini mengelola Hotel Olaffson di Haiti memposting melalui Twitter rekaman videonya tentang hancurnya bangunan di sekitarnya. Ia juga meng-upload beberapa foto dari beberapa rekannya. Ia hanya menulis singkat, "Kehancuran Massal" dalam tweet-nya.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Nokia N900: Handphone and Mobile Computer

. Friday, January 8, 2010

Nokia N900 is the latest generation of the Nokia N800 and N810. When compared with the previous generation, smaller N900 looks even more like the iPhone, with a screen 3.5 "inches. In addition, this gadget has been supported by open source software Maemo 5 from the Mozilla technology that N900 could be able to work as a mobile mini computer with a powerful processor, large data storage and a sharp touch screen.

With this Maemo operating system, Nokia call it a form of computing power combining technology, internet and phone in one device. Although the Nokia Maemo operating system separate from the Symbian operating system is proprietary, Maemo can also be used to access various applications at the same time.

N900 carrying the ARM processor specifications include cortex-A8, 1GB memory, 32GB storage (can be increased to 48GB with a MicroSD card) and a slide QWERTY keyboard. This handset brings 11cm long and 6cm wide and 8.75-screen widescreen. Mozilla browser and the Adobe Flash 9.4 which is supported to HSPA mobile broadband speeds. Also available 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss lens.

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Farah Quinn Wants to buy a Porsche Cayenne


A car can reflect a personality. As a chef this one section. Yes Farah Quinn. Who does not know this sexy woman? Appeared in one of the private television programs as a cooking show host, direct Farah has loyal fans.

When asked about the car hobby, Farah says that he likes fast cars. As is often driven while still living in the United States. "By then I had a BMW M Roadster!" he said. In addition to fast, if possible, the car must be big, like a car-SUV-type cars, and it is manifested Farah with a Volkswagen Touareg. "It's also a fast car," he concluded. What else favorite car? Still dreaming, Farah said, "Porsche Cayenne, an SUV that is a sexy and fast I think," he said.

Although, when he arrived in Indonesia, with the condition of the road a solid, fast cars going by Farah in vain, so that makes him quite happy with a Toyota Fortuner for now. But Farah was again the idea is certainly not far away from everyday activities. Farah seems to want to try cooking on the bus. "Yes, I think it would be interesting to know how to cook on the bus," he said seriously.

Therefore, the bus must first qualify. Farah admitted, will place a Kitchen Set or kitchen devices on the bus, including the stove, until the microwave for cooking activities can really be done. "Also, I would put the dining table, mini bar, and rooms," said the woman born Bandung, This 8 April 1980. Farah Quinn is the artist who cook Indonesia and also beautiful.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ayu Oktasari into the media spotlight the Internet

. Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ayu Oktasari into the media spotlight the Internet, television and newspaper at this time because the program winners Oktasari Ayu reality show "Take Me Out Indonesia" (Indosiar TV show), denied that the sexy photos that circulated on the internet is Ayu Photo Oktasari.

"It was not my original picture. When I knew the pictures were, I just say sorry to the people who just want to find a sensation, or search for money once you? There are bad people or just jealous of me. Hence, they engineered my photos. The original image just white shirt, "he said.

Ayu admitted forgotten his old photos, because he began a career as a model since the age of 19 years.

Ayu make sure he never sexy photos to be published in the media. The most daring, Ayu bikini for a photo with a mini calendar. Looks sexy Oktasari other Ayu is in her tank top for men's magazine FHM photo shoot on the rubric The Next Girl 2007.

Regarding the possibility of it going bad by spreading the photos, Ayu would not prejudiced. "I do not want to accuse anyone (who spread the photos on the internet). I wrote positive thinking," he said

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Telkomsel Provide Nokia Chat & Mail

. Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The latest innovations from vendors known provider Telkomsel in Indonesia is introducing the first service which claimed to be the first in the world. Ie service pack Nokia Chat and Mail. In addition, SingTel also launched the Nokia Messaging bundling packages. Through these services, prepaid customers can enjoy the push email and chat as much cheaper rates.

"The presence of the service pack innovation Nokia Chat & Mail is one of Telkomsel's mobile broadband strategy to popularize the use of mobile internet access through mobile phones at affordable cost which must be supported by the widest coverage and the latest technology from Telkomsel. The effort is in line with our vision as a solutions provider of mobile operators mobile services and the best lifestyle in the Asia Pacific's Best, "said VP Product Lifestyle Management Telkomsel Rachel Goh.

According to him, the service users can choose saving package Nokia Chat & Mail, a daily package worth USD 4,000, the package downloads Rp 20,000, and monthly packages Rp 45.000. To facilitate customers' needs will service the Nokia Chat & Mail, Telkomsel provides a range of packages bundling simPATI M @ X - Nokia Messaging, namely bundling package Nokia E63, Nokia E71, and Nokia E72. "In the future this service will be expanded to other Nokia mobile phone to reach more customers while providing a wider opportunity for society to enjoy the push email and chat as an integral part of lifestyle that constantly mobile as today. So the people remained may be associated with family, relatives, or co-workers whenever and wherever without borders, "he said.

If your User Telkomsel and Nokia then you deserve to get the latest service from Telkomsel.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Psychology Motivation

. Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The term motivation comes from the Latin word that means moving movere. In the present context, motivation can be defined as a psychological process that produces an intensity, direction, and individual perseverance in order to achieve a goal. In 1943, motivational psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory describes the motivation now become famous.

Moslow states that psychology of motivation is a function of the five basic needs, namely:
  • Psychology. The main basic needs. Among others the need for food, drink, air to survive.
  • Security: among others, safety and protection of physical and emotional losses.
  • Love. The desire to be loved and to love. Contains the need for love and belonging.
  • Award. The need for reputation, pride, and recognition from others. Also contains a need for confidence and strength.
  • Self-actualization. The desire to become what he wanted to be. To become the best is the ability of the what.
Psychologists another motivation, Clayton Alderfer developed an alternative theory of human needs in the late 1960s. This theory distinguishes the needs that have been developed by Maslow into three levels from the lowest to the highest needs of existence (Existence Needs) is associated with physiological and safety needs, the needs of the relationship (Relatedness Needs) which focuses on how individuals relate to the environment social needs of growth (Growth Needs) which includes the need will grow as human beings in general and using his ability to achieve full potential.

Although ERG theory of motivation psychology assumes that behavior is motivated to follow a hierarchy is somewhat similar to the hierarchy suggested by Maslow, there are important differences.

First, ERG theory states that more than one level of motivation needs to move at the same time. Second, ERG theory has so-called frustration-regression component (frustation-regresion aspect). So, if certain needs are not met, the individual will become frustrated, retreat to a lower level.

David McClelland, a motivational psychologist who has studied the well-known relationship between the behavioral needs since the 1940s. He divided the needs into three types, namely achievement (achievement), power (power), and afilasi (affilation). The explanation is as follows:

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Photo Gallery Bebby Model "ORBIT" January 2010


Photo Gallery magazine's Hot in Indonesia famous one is the segment "ORBIT" where the magazine Popular Indonesia introduced the new models into the modeling, popular magazine promotion and accurate average of the models fit well in this magazine segment "ORBIT" get a positive response from the ad agency model and other advertising.

On this occasion blog Public Information lifting the popular magazine model named Bebby as Model "ORBIT" in January 2010, as for the Bebby Photo Gallery are:

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Ciliandra Fangiono, Indonesian Youngest Millionaire in the Forbes List

. Monday, January 4, 2010

Director and chief executive director of First Resources, Ciliandra Fangiono for the first time in the top 40 richest people in the Indonesian version of Forbes magazine.

Ciliandra a 33-year-old has a fortune Forbes estimated at U.S. $ 710 million or around Rp 6.75 trillion and ranked 18th in the list. While the owner of Sinarmas Group Eka Cipta Widjaja oldest recorded as a millionaire on the list. In the age of 86, Eka Cipta has a wealth of about U.S. $ 2.4 billion. Forbes writes, the value of the wealth of the richest 40 Indonesia increased sharply during the years 2009 to U.S. $ 42 billion from the year 2008 is only U.S. $ 21 billion. The high demand for production of natural resources Indonesia has increased the wealth of these millionaire quickly.

More than a third of the list made a fortune from the coal sector, palm oil and oil and gas. 3 of 5 including new entrants in the list. One of them is Ciliandra Fangiono. Ciliandra with his siblings, including her male siblings Cik Sigih has 74% stake in First Resources. The company was founded by the father Ciliandra, Martias. But Martias has released its involvement in the company since 2003.

To get listed in the 40 richest people in Indonesia, the millionaire property must have a minimum of U.S. $ 240 million or around Rp 2.28 trillion. Here's 40 richest people in Indonesia Forbes:

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Central Bank Governor AS 'Person of the Year 2009' version of Time magazine


Time magazine chose the Governor of the Federal Reserve (Fed) Ben Bernanke as the 'Person of the Year 2009'. Bernanke considered successful menggawangi U.S. economy during the financial crisis turmoil. "A recession is a story for this year. Without Ben Bernanke, the crisis may be worse," said Times Managing Editor Richard Stengel was quoted as saying by the AFP. Bernanke said to be people who learn from past mistakes and not repeat it.

"Bernanke did not only learn from history, he wrote it himself and damned if he repeats it again," said Stengel. Time senior writer Michael Grunwald said the main reason Bernanke was chosen because he is an important player in guarding the most important economy in the world. "He is a creative leader and help ensure that the year 2009 is a weak recovery period than catastrophic depression. And he uses the power without a rival for our money, our jobs, our savings and our future," he said.

Runners-up for the 'People of the Year' is General Stanley McChrystal 'The Worker China', Nancy Pelosi, a spokesman for the U.S. House of Representatives and Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt. President Barack Obama is the winner of last year. Apple CEO Steve Jobs also included in the finalists of this year. But Bernanke's election as people know it's also a sharp criticism.

"I find it ironic that someone who has spent the last year to punish others for their failure is now a 'People of the Year' for his failure," said Republican Senator, Jom Bunning. Bernanke is the replacement of the Governor of the Fed nan legendary Alan Greenspan. Bernanke was appointed by U.S. president before Obama, George W. Bush in 2005. In August, Obama re-nominates Bernanke as Federal Reserve governor. Bernanke, 56 years old, was the son of a pharmacist and a school teacher. He successfully graduated from Harvard in 1975 and earned his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He had worked at Princeton University before he joined the Federal Reserve Board in 2002.

Men born Augusta, Georgia is a professor of economics and has been president of the Council of Economic Advisors of the Bush administration.

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Microsoft Office 2007 with Command Voice


Same with Windows Media Player, you can also use a voice command Office or the so-called speech recognition. In addition, you can also dictate or select menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes using voice (in English).

Never use this application? You can do the installation by clicking the "Speech" on the Tools menu in Microsoft Word, or run a Custom installation during installation of Microsoft Office. Once installed, the button will appear in Speech Tools menu in all Microsoft Office programs.

To start using it, you need a microphone connected to the sound card or USB, a computer with a minimum speed of 400MHz or more, at least 128MB RAM or more, and Windows 98 until the latest.

There are two options available modes of this feature, the Voice Command and Dictation. Voice Command mode allows you to give commands in Microsoft Word, for example, to select menus, toolbars, dialog boxes, or to change the format of the document. While to dictate Microsoft Word so you do not need to type them with the keyboard, select Dictation mode. To switch between Voice Command mode and Dictation, just click the button on the Language bar or by saying "voice command" or "dictation" on the microphone.

Examples of speech recognition to change the font via voice:
1. To open the Font box on the Formatting toolbar, saying: "td".
2. To change the font of Times New Roman to Verdana, said: "verdana".

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Microsoft Word with a Different Feel


Blue. That is a standard color shades in Microsoft Word. Microsoft provides other shades that can be selected by the user. So, for varying the display, users do not need to install the application any more.

Staying follow these steps alone. Oh yes, this trick can also be used in applications other Microsoft Office.
1. Click the "Office", then click "Word Options".
2. On the tab "Cool", for "Color Scheme".
3. Try changing the "Blue" became "Black". Click "OK". Word will look like in the picture "Word with a black display.
4. Try returning to the "Word Options" on changing a "Silver". What happened?
5. Please select the tone that you like.

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Lock and Hide Excel formula


While working with formulas in Excel, you may feel the need to store and protect so that no change when you want to use it again. How?

Actually it's easy, even you can hide it all. Here's how.

At first, first block of cells you want to hide the formula.
  • Select the "Format Cell", followed by clicking on the tab "Protection". Enable "Locked" to lock and "Hidden" to hide it, then click "OK".
  • Ensure that other cells do not come unlocked so that any time you can change existing data (Locked inactive, because its default active Locked) is to block all the cells would not be locked. Remember, do not activate the Locked and Hidden.
  • Select "Tools> Protection> Protect Sheet ...". Dialog box will appear "Protect Sheet". Enable "Contents", then type the password that will be used, ending with "OK". Dialog box will show "Confirm Password" to make sure. Type the same password again, then press "OK". Presto! The formula will disappear suddenly.
  • To bring it up again, select "Tools> Protection> Unprotect Sheet ...". Enter the password, then click "OK". Tada! The formula will reappear.

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Firefox Mobile "Fennec" Available for Nokia N900


According to his promise, the Mozilla mobile browser development completed his given name Fennec. However, for now, this software is available for Linux platform Maemo used Nokia N900.

Release Candidate, which is the last stage before the final version is downloadable for free beginning January 1, 2010. Previously, the beta version of this software has been released since the beginning of 2009 and an alpha version for Windows Mobile.

Some of the features on the upgraded version of the RC include rendering text. In addition, there are added features like synchronization with Firefox on a PC with Mozilla Weave and add-ons to customize the browser view. Fennec also provides tab browsing, bookmarks, quick zoom, pop up blocker, download manager, and the standard features of the browser on your PC.

Although not yet available for other mobile platforms, still dijajal Fennec without using the Nokia N900. Preview in the PC version can be downloaded and used Windows, Linux, and Mac.

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Lenovo Notebooks Use AMD Processor


Rumors about Lenovo products already in circulation for some time. Gossip is over with the official news from Lenovo. Yes, ThinkPad X100e really there.

This laptop is thin and light. 11.6-inch screen size with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. And look! AMD processors are the three types of CPUs from AMD ranks of Neo. And Lenovo says no plans to release a laptop with Intel-based CPU.

As usual the range of the ThinkPad series, Touchpoint X100e is equipped with a pointing stick and a touchpad that supports multi-gesture. Features Wi-Fi, 3G, and WiMAX is also available as an option.

X100e ThinkPad is rumored to be sold at prices starting from U.S. $ 449. But the price will increase depending on the configuration you choose. For example batteries, available options and 3-cell 6-cell. As for the operating system, the choice is Windows 7 Pro or Home Premium, and Windows XP Pro

If you select 3-cell battery, the laptop will weigh 3 pounds. However, if you select the 6-cell battery, weight increased to about 3.3 pounds.

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Kawasaki Ninja ZZR Sign In to Indonesia in June 2010


PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) will increase the range of products in those segments. ATPM Kawasaki motorcycles in Indonesia that will supply ZZR Ninja (ZX-6E) to the national motorcycle market in June 2010.

Freddyanto Basuki, National Sales Manager of IMA, said that currently the last evaluation was done ATPM against regulations. Particularly on the planned increase of Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) which started effectively in 2010.

"All of us are still calculated. We could bring in February. But when April, then later PPnBM gone up. Poor consumers. At least we will input first with CBU from Thailand or Japan.

By calculating various taxes, including the implementation of a maximum of 75 percent PPnBM, Ninja ZZR selling price will touch USD 200 million per unit. One reason for this product include ATPM is the demand of the national pebalap who participated in the event Supersport 600cc machine up.

"Maybe now be USD 200 million, but if PPnBM gone up, it would increase the price later. For that, we should be first," said Freddy. Bringing about the original plan and Ninja ZZR-R ER6 local assembly (CKD), according to Freddy it still pursued. One of the obstacles that must be resolved related to tax laws in Indonesia that many revised.

"Everything is going according to plan. Both products were in Thailand had CKD and Boyong to stay here. But, yes it was, to see the tax first. For our initial CBU ZZR enter first. After that, follow-R ER6.

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